Fiddlehead on the Roof.

Hello!  Greetings!! I know it’s been a few days.  Portland’s weather has been perfect.  I have been out enjoying every minute of it.
Happy Earth Day (yesterday)!

Time to blog about FIDDLEHEADS!  RRRAAAhhhhhh!!!
Wait…  Say what?  Fiddle-who?  Yes.. these creepy twirly greens are edible and  in season!
A Little Fiddle Riddle.
Fiddleheads are actually young fern fronds that have not yet opened up. Fidd-heads are native to the north-eastern part of the states and Canada.  They must be picked during a two week window before the fern unfurls. Fiddleheads get their name from their appearance.  They look like the top of a fiddle.

“Fiddle me this, Batman. What Makes them worthy of my taste buds?
They good for you, Fiddy Cent! (get it?  50 Cent the rapper? Yeah, whatev.)  F-Heads have antioxidants, Omega 3and 6, Iron and fiber.  They are also an excellent source of vitamins A & C.  They should now be eaten raw.  They’ll give you a stomach ache.

Oh, Fiddlesticks. Let’s Prepare ’em.
They are usually served with a hollandaise or mornay sauce.  They don’t have be served drenched in a thick, creamy sauce.  They can simply be roasted, sauteed, boiled or steamed with a little s&p.  Make sure they are thoroughly cleaned.  They like to invite their friend dirt into their pods.  They make a great side dish.

4 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by mom on April 24, 2011 at 3:38 am

    Very interesting Krissy! I’ve never heard of them. Miss you guys! xoxoxo

  2. “oh fiddlesticks!” you said that one for me 😉
    i never knew i could eat ferns! how cool!!

  3. Posted by Ken Tsou on June 9, 2011 at 7:43 am

    I saw this in a supermarket in Hong Kong imported from Canada. Could you tell me to which other vegetable they taste like most and the texture? Thanks!

    • Ken, fiddleheads have a grassy yet nutty flavor to them. Very similar taste to asparagus or spinach. They are slightly crunchy but also tender. I would compare the texture to asparagus as well. Happy eats!

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